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Help with your child’s school attendance

If you are having problems getting your child to attend school, please contact the school.

If your child’s attendance doesn’t improve, you will be invited to attend a meeting where we may choose to draw up a parenting contract. If attendance remains unacceptably low the school will contact the Educational Inclusion and Partnership Team who have the power to prosecute parents for not ensuring that their children receive appropriate education at school. 

Term time absences

The Government expects local councils to fine parents who take their children out of school for holidays during term time. 

They can give each parent a fine of £80, rising to £160 if you do not pay within 21 days.

Each parent can receive up to two fines for the same child in a 3-year period. If you get a second fine in 3 years it will be £160. If you do not pay the fine in 28 days, you may be taken to court for keeping your child out of school.

If your child is off school three or more times within the 3 years you will not be fined but may be taken to court.  

The CE Academy will refer all term time absences for holidays of 5 days or more to the local authority for consideration.

If you wish to inform school of a planned absence please complete the Leave of Absence Form (click to open).

 Attending and actively taking part in learning – wherever learning takes place – is fundamental to making sure that our young people at the CE Academy become successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens.

Young people need to be included, engaged and involved throughout their education. This page helps you, as parents and carers, understand how you can help to achieve this.

At CE Academy we want all of our pupils to feel happy, safe and secure at school. We want to make sure our young people receive day to day or additional support to attend school and engage in their learning. Parents and carers are by far the most important influence on children’s lives and learning and it is parents and carers who are responsible for making sure their child is educated.  This guide explains your responsibilities as a parent when it comes to your child’s attendance at school.

Parents are legally responsible for making sure that their child is educated. 

What should I do if my child is worried about coming to school?

Your child has a right to an education and to be safe and happy at school. However, we recognise that sometimes young people can be worried about coming to school. This can happen for lots of reasons but they may not always want to explain to you what is worrying them.

It’s important to talk to us if this kind of problem happens or you have any concerns - the earlier we know of a problem the easier it is for us to support you. Please do contact a member of staff at the school with any worry you or your child has which is affecting them getting to school. 

What personal support can my child expect in school?

At CE Academy, we have a well-established and experienced team who are here to support your child. In the first instance it may be a good idea to speak to your child’s key tutor. Your child may also have a preferred member of staff that they have a positive relationship with whom you may wish to contact. A member of the SLT is always available too.

Key factors for success – working together

It is vital that you work in partnership with us to ensure we have the whole picture of the young person’s difficulties. Some young people who are worried about school function very well socially in other aspects of their lives, e.g. mixing with certain friends, or going to specific sport and youth clubs of their choice. This can lead people to believe that perhaps the young person is not really worried at school and maybe it is a case of the parent/carers not insisting that their son/daughter attends.

Open and continuous communication is key

As a parent or carer ensure that your child:

  • Gets to bed at a reasonable time
  • Has the necessary clothes and equipment ready for school the next day
  • Gets up in good time
  • Washes, dresses for school and eats breakfast
  • Is ready by the time they ought to leave home for school
  • Encourage your child to take responsibility for this routine, for example by giving your child an alarm clock.

If your child claims to be ill but you believe they are well enough to attend school:

  • Be reassuring. Show that you understand how they might be feeling but remain firm about them needing to attend school every day
  • If your child mentions a particular problem agree to look into it as soon as possible but continue to insist they go to school
  • Remind them (don’t nag!) that they are expected to go to school even though they may be late
  • If necessary, escort your child to school. Make your parting uneventful, i.e. say goodbye and go. DO NOT HANG AROUND
  • When your child goes to school, always make a comment about how well they have done. Take every opportunity to praise their
  • success no matter how small or obvious. Be careful to do this in a sincere and low-key way rather than a way that leads to a rise in your child’s excitement level, which he or she may misinterpret as increased anxiety

If your child point blank refuses to attend, contact the school to inform us and follow these guidelines:

  • Expect your child to spend their time at home either on school related work or reading
  • Do not let them go out to visit friends or relatives
  • Do not take them shopping
  • Do not allow them to spend their time watching television, gaming or being on their phone
  • Do not offer over the top rewards
  • These conditions should last for the duration of the school day.
  • Review the situation the next day. If your child refuses school again, then the conditions apply again for the rest of the school day.

If your child claims to feel ill and you decide they really are not well enough to go to school:

Contact the school to let them know..

Make a doctor’s appointment (make sure your GP knows about your child’s attendance difficulties). Follow the procedure already described for when a child stays at home (see previous section)

It is crucial that your child does not develop a cosy, comfortable alternative lifestyle which will prevent them from wanting to attend school regularly


  • Any absence from school often makes the return difficult. If your child can possibly attend school, for example they have a cold or headache, encourage them to do so
  • It may be extremely difficult but, whenever possible, remain calm. Try not to criticise (easier said than done when under pressure!)
  • Try to praise and encourage your child
  • Try to make positive helpful comments
  • If it feels like it is all getting too much, don’t suffer in silence - contact us for help

Here are some other forms of support you may wish to access:

Contact Us

County Office: Cromwell Campus, Poole Street, Northampton, NN1 3EX
General Enquires: 01604 239 734

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