CE Academy - Vocational Overview
At the CE Academy we offer a wide range of both external and internal vocational provisions to our young people. Our aim at CE Academy is to provide our young people with the opportunity to experience new challenges and environments with the goal of increasing their self-confidence, awareness and social skills. It also provides the opportunity for some young people to gain a qualification, experience, knowledge, or an insight into certain careers paths.
The CE Academy has a Vocational Coordinator who seeks appropriate placements for young people through colleges and other learning providers.
Young people have the opportunity to achieve accreditation in a variety of disciplines. In addition to GCSEs these include vocational courses in a range of subjects from Equine Learning, Catering, Sport and Leisure, Hair and Beauty, Fishing, Photography and Mechanics.
The CE Academy offers a number of trips/visits and residential experiences throughout the year. For residential visits young people visit the Govilon Learning and Activities Centre. As a result of these trips and visits improvements are seen in general behaviour, attitudes to adults and the ability to communicate with adults and peers.
The external provisions that are available to Key Stage 3 and/or 4 are:
Centurion Training (KS4)
- Motor Vehicle
- Construction
Youth Works (KS3/4)
- Bike Maintenance
- Hair and Beauty
- Construction
Northampton Town Football Club (KS3/4)
- Football Skills
- Coaching Skills
- Duke of Edinburgh
- Personal Development
- BTEC Sport
Northampton Saints Foundation (KS4)
- Rugby Values
- Mentoring
- Personal Development
Green Patch (KS3/4)
- Gardening and Horticulture
- Personal Development
Adventure Ways (KS3/4) provides a range of outdoor pursuits promoting team building and interpersonal skills. Young people are encouraged to engage in a range of activities promoting confidence and self esteem.
- Personal Development – Outdoor Activities
Fermyn Woods (KS3) offer a range of learning opportunities through different artists and experiences.
- Contemporary Art Workshops
Seeds of Change (KS3/4) provides equine learning and land based courses. This is not a horse riding provision though it may occasionally be possible for young people to learn to ride. It is primarily a therapeutic approach, using horses to teach young people about relationships and the impact of their behaviour on others.
- Equine Learning
- Therapeutic Support
- Personal Development
- Employability skills
A4S (Progressability) (KS3/4)
- Angling
- Estate Management
- Arts and Crafts
Lodge Recordings (KS4)
- Music
Sttebs Care Farm (KS3/4)
- AQAs - (Animal Care, Wildlife Conservation, Horticulture)
- Level 1 City and Guilds Land Based Studies Animal Care (Award, Certificate, Diploma)
Noise Academy believes music technology can play an important part in supporting young people with motivation and reengagement, developing a positive sense of self through their participation in creative practice and discovering their passion. Using creativity and uniquely tailored programmes as a platform for re-engagement, they provide young people with an opportunity to develop their personal, social and emotional skills, whilst expanding their musical knowledge and guiding them to unlock their full potential.
- Music Technology
The internal provisions that are available to Key Stage 3 and/or 4 are:
- Hair and Beauty (KS3/4)
- Catering (KS4)
- Photography (KS4)
- Design Technology (KS3/4)
The following qualifications are available:
- Level 1 Introduction to the Hair & Beauty sector – City & Guilds (Award/Certificate/Diploma)
- Entry Level 3 Award in an Introduction to the Hair and Beauty Sector (KS3)
- Level 1 NVQ Certificate in Food Preparation and Cooking
- Level 2 Award in Food Safety in Catering
- Award in Cake Decorating Level 1 and Level 2
- BTEC in Home Cooking Skills Level 2
- AQA Unit Award: Building a Skateboard
- AQA Unit Award Scheme (Motor Vehicle)
- AQA Unit Award Scheme (Motor Vehicle)
- IMI Level 1 in Carrying out Periodic Vehicle Maintenance and Inspection
- IMI Entry Level 3 Award/Certificate/Diploma: Introduction into Automotive Maintenance and Repair
- Pearson NQF BTEC Level 2 First in Sport
- SLQ Sport Leadership Level 1 and 2
- Level 1 AIM Award in Angling Skills and the Angling Environment
- Entry Level 3 AIM Award in Angling Skills and the Angling Environment
- Level 1 in Employability Skills - City & Guilds - Award/Certificate/Diploma
- GCSE – Photography
- City & Guilds Level 1 - Unit Awards- Skills for Working in the Construction Industry
- Arts Award Discovery Level
- Arts Award Bronze Level
- Arts Award Silver Level
- Level 1 City & Guilds Land Based Studies in Animal Care (Award/Certificate/Diploma)
- AQAs (Animal Care, Wildlife Conservation, Horticulture)