Welcome to CE Academy
Our motto is “Freedom to choose a different future” This was chosen by our young people and recognises our belief that everyone should have the opportunity to access a high quality education.
The CE Academy provides alternative education for young people who are permanently excluded from school; dual registered and for school aged parents. We respond to the educational needs of pupils who would otherwise be attending mainstream/special schools. We have positive expectations of behaviour and academic expectations are high and related to young people’s abilities.
We promote both the right to fail and the importance of giving all young people the freedom to choose a different future. We take a holistic approach to education, promoting an ethos and culture built on fairness, equality and mutual respect. This provides an environment in which young people can be encouraged and supported to make the right choices which lead to positive outcomes.
The staff team at CE Academy are committed to ensuring that all of our young people are at the heart of everything we do. They work tirelessly to enable them to make progress with their social and communication skills as well as achieving academic and vocational success.
We provide all young people with a personalised timetable designed to meet their social, emotional and academic needs. The curriculum on offer provides opportunities to develop cultural capital and for both personal development and academic success. We take great pride in ensuring every young person has a destination when they leave us at the end of Year 11.
As Headteacher I am proud to lead an experienced and dedicated group of staff. We pride ourselves on our relationships with our young people, families and communities. Strong relationships and working together are at the heart of our ethos.
As a member of Tove Learning Trust (TLT) I look forward to benefitting from working in partnership with an established network of schools to continue to provide outstanding opportunities for our young people.
Mr James Thomas – Headteacher
“Freedom to choose a different future”
(Clicking on the names of staff will open your default email client.)
Designated Safeguarding/Prevent/
E-safety Lead
Assistant Head
Claire Smith - csmith@ce-academy.org
Deputy Designated Safeguarding/Prevent/
E-safety Leads
James Thomas - jthomas@ce-academy.org
Deputy Headteacher
Lou Bridger - lbridger@ce-academy.org
Safeguarding Officer
Ellie Matthews - ematthews@ce-academy.org
Safeguarding Officer
Keeley Moth - kmoth@ce-academy.org
Senior Mental Health Lead/Occupational Therapist
Hayley Singlehurst-Mooney - hsinglehurstmooney@ce-academy.org
Assistant Head
Paul Kairis - pkairis@ce-academy.org
Designated Teacher
Assistant Head
Gary Morton - gmorton@ce-academy.org
Links to websites
Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children Partnership
9:00am Breakfast
9:20am Lesson 1
10:30am Break
10:45am Lesson 2
11:55am* Lunch Break
12:25pm Lesson 3
1:35pm Break
1:50pm Lesson 4
3:00pm End of School
Total education hours offered per week = 27
* All Campuses close at 11:55am on a Wednesday - Vocational courses may continue until an agreed time as part of their personal timetable.
Campus Contact Numbers
County Office
01604 239734
Email: info@ce-academy.org
Cromwell, Northampton
01604 239733
Email: cromwell.centre@cec.northants-ecl.gov.uk
Overleys, Northampton
01604 824000
Email: overleys@cec.northants-ecl.gov.uk
Fairlawn, Wellingborough
01933 445250
Email: fairlawn@cec.northants-ecl.gov.uk
Spring Gardens, Wellingborough
01933 445830
Email: springgardens@ce-academy.org
William Knibb, Kettering
01536 536400
Email: williamknibb@ce-academy.org
London Road, Kettering
01536 311000
Email: londonrd.kettering@cec.northants-ecl.gov.uk
Forest Gate, Corby
01536 408976
Email: forest.gate@cec.northants-ecl.gov.uk
Oaklands Vocational
01536 403741
Email: forest.gate@cec.northants-ecl.gov.uk
Chiltern House Campus
01604 587446
Email: chiltern.house@ce-academy.org